7 Quick Ways to Get Inspired

Kickstart your creativity with these doable actions…

woman smiling in garden 7 Quick Ways to Get Inspired

Photo by: unsplash-logoBarbora Polednová

Ready for 7 quick ways to get inspired? I know how it feels to be stuck in a rut creatively, to feel that well of inspiration dry up. For creatives, this can quickly lead to lethargy, feelings of self-doubt, and depression.

If this sounds like you, keep reading. I’ll give you seven things to choose from (or do all of it!) that will get that Muse knocking on your door.

Now, let’s get inspired!

1. Take 5 minutes and sit outside.

woman sitting on cliff in sunlight 7 Quick Ways to Get Inspired

Photo by: unsplash-logoCaleb Frith

Doable Action: Write down what you see. What do you smell? What do you hear? Describe how the weather feels on your skin. Do you see any animals? If they’re making noises, imagine what kind of conversation they’re having. This exercise is great at opening you up to the world and making room for inspiration.  

Want to take this a step further? Read this article by Things Unseen Designs on how to keep a watercolor journal: https://www.thingsunseendesigns.com/how-to-keep-a-watercolor-journal/

2. Think of your favorite band.

young man listening to music with eyes closed

Photo by: unsplash-logoKuo-Chiao Lin

Doable Action: Now do an online search for similar bands or create a station on Pandora that plays music similar to what you like. It’s amazing what music can do to inspire you. Especially new music.

Grab a couple of my playlists here: https://jeffcoatart.blog/?s=playlist

3. Grab some magazines and start tearing out photos that catch your attention.

person looking through magazine while eating breakfast

Photo by: unsplash-logoTHE 5TH

Doable Action: This is a great trick to spark an idea for a painting, poem, short story, etc. When I’m stuck in a creative rut, I blindly pick two photos from a magazine and whatever I choose I combine into one painting. It makes for some very creative and fun pieces.

7 Quick Ways to Get Inspired

4. Go for a 15 minute walk and disconnect.

woman walking down boardwalk on beach

Photo by: unsplash-logoSandrachile .

Doable Action: Yep. Just stop. Sometimes not getting inspired is your body’s way of telling you to REST. To slow down. To stop trying so hard.

I am always amazed at how much smarter my body is than my head sometimes! When I finally give in and listen to what my body is trying to tell me, things just start flowing more naturally.

Imagine being inspired ALL the time. Sounds exhausting, right? Allow the Muse to come and GO. And when she does, take a moment to hibernate.

7 Quick Ways to Get Inspired

5. Pick a new place not too far away from home and go there.

woman walking into marketplace

Photo by: unsplash-logoSteven Lewis

Doable Action: We dream about faraway places, but there is probably a bountiful supply of adventure and inspiration within a 60-mile radius of your home. Even better, do it with a friend.

6. Wake up just before the sun rises and take a photography road trip.

7 Quick Ways to Get Inspired for artists, writers, and other creatives.

Photo by: unsplash-logoJorge Saavedra

Doable Action: I did this with a friend once in college and it’s one of my best memories. The world was still sleeping while we drove down the road with travel mugs filled with steaming coffee. I was tired but exhilarated.

We had absolutely no destination. We just drove and every few minutes, one of us would see something we wanted to photograph and we’d pull over to the side of the road. Not only will you find the inspiration you’re looking for, but you’ll also create an amazing memory.

7. Cook. That’s right.

man and woman laughing while cooking in the kitchen

Photo by: unsplash-logoAllGo – An App For Plus Size People

Doable Action: Find a new recipe and make a special trip to the store for that one meal. Better to do this the day you plan on cooking it because it builds up the excitement of making something new.

While prepping, turn on music that makes you feel light and carefree. We often forget that what we put in our body has a major impact on us. And I’m not talking about nutrition labels and healthy diets. I’m talking about preparing food when we’re feeling angry, depressed or exhausted.

Our state of mind affects the meal we make. So make an extra effort to be happy when you try a new recipe. Inject some joy into your food and your body will thank you. And when your body’s happy, you’re more open to inspiration.

Have your own method for finding inspiration? Share in the comments below!

Happy creating


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